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Indian Pickle

Ginger Pickles are well known for their numerous health benefits. Prepared by using well marinated fresh ginger, this array of pickles is especially suitable for those who are suffering from nausea and stomach gas. Anti inflammatory compounds and anti oxidants present in ginger are effective in avoiding gastro intestinal disorder. Anti carcinogenic properties of Ginger Pickles are effective in minimizing growth of cancer affected cells and in lowering cholesterol level. Free from excess oil and spices, these pickles are healthy way to appreciate the taste of ginger. These quality approved pickles are accessible in 500 gram airtight jar and these can be stored for long period.
This range of sweet and sour lime pickles is appreciated for its enjoyable taste. Made of fresh lemons, this product range is completely free from extra sugar, oil and spices. Vitamin C based content of this sour pickle strengthens bones and improve their density. Nutrients present in this array of pickles are effective in controlling blood pressure. Sweet and sour lemon pickles are also beneficial for our heart as its mineral based content regulates blood flow level. Available in 500 gram jar, this array of pickles is popular for its long shelf life, balanced content, standard packaging and high nutritional value.
Experience the taste of raw mangoes with this array of Organic & Without Preservatives Mango Pickles. Loaded with vitamin C, this range of pickles is effective in boosting immunity function and in improving iron absorption level of body. Loaded with fiber, these pickles are also considered as reliable remedies of constipation. Antioxidants present in this array of pickles are instrumental in dealing with free radicals and in managing emergence of cancer. Besides these, offered Organic & Without Preservatives Mango Pickles are extremely beneficial for skin and eyes. Standard of this array of pickles has been tested as per its storage life, nutrients level, flavor, texture and health benefits.